Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home2/nishantp/public_html/wp-includes/widgets/search.zip
PK N�rZ��U� � style-rtl.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search__button{ margin-right:10px; word-break:normal; } .wp-block-search__button.has-icon{ line-height:0; } .wp-block-search__button svg{ height:1.25em; min-height:24px; min-width:24px; width:1.25em; fill:currentColor; vertical-align:text-bottom; } :where(.wp-block-search__button){ border:1px solid #ccc; padding:6px 10px; } .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ display:flex; flex:auto; flex-wrap:nowrap; max-width:100%; } .wp-block-search__label{ width:100%; } .wp-block-search__input{ appearance:none; border:1px solid #949494; flex-grow:1; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; min-width:3rem; padding:8px; text-decoration:unset !important; } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button{ flex-shrink:0; margin-right:0; max-width:100%; } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button[aria-expanded=true]{ max-width:calc(100% - 100px); } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only 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solid #949494; box-sizing:border-box; padding:4px; } :where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input{ border:none; border-radius:0; padding:0 4px; } :where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input:focus{ outline:none; } :where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) :where(.wp-block-search__button){ padding:4px 8px; } .wp-block-search.aligncenter .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ margin:auto; } .wp-block[data-align=right] .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ float:left; }PK N�rZ��d� view.min.jsnu �[��� import*as e from"@wordpress/interactivity";var t={d:(e,n)=>{for(var r in n)t.o(n,r)&&!t.o(e,r)&&Object.defineProperty(e,r,{enumerable:!0,get:n[r]})},o:(e,t)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)};const n=(e=>{var n={};return t.d(n,e),n})({getContext:()=>e.getContext,getElement:()=>e.getElement,store:()=>e.store}),{actions:r}=(0,n.store)("core/search",{state:{get ariaLabel(){const{isSearchInputVisible:e,ariaLabelCollapsed:t,ariaLabelExpanded:r}=(0,n.getContext)();return e?r:t},get ariaControls(){const{isSearchInputVisible:e,inputId:t}=(0,n.getContext)();return e?null:t},get type(){const{isSearchInputVisible:e}=(0,n.getContext)();return e?"submit":"button"},get tabindex(){const{isSearchInputVisible:e}=(0,n.getContext)();return e?"0":"-1"}},actions:{openSearchInput(e){const 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.wp-block-search__label{font-weight:700}.wp-block-search__button{border:1px solid #ccc;padding:.375em .625em}PK N�rZ��{e~ ~ theme-rtl.min.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search .wp-block-search__label{font-weight:700}.wp-block-search__button{border:1px solid #ccc;padding:.375em .625em}PK N�rZ e�� � theme-rtl.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search .wp-block-search__label{ font-weight:700; } .wp-block-search__button{ border:1px solid #ccc; padding:.375em .625em; }PK N�rZ e�� � theme.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search .wp-block-search__label{ font-weight:700; } .wp-block-search__button{ border:1px solid #ccc; padding:.375em .625em; }PK N�rZ�I@T T view.asset.phpnu �[��� <?php return array('dependencies' => array(), 'version' => '2a0784014283afdd3c25'); PK N�rZ+�F F editor.min.cssnu �[��� .wp-block[data-align=center] .wp-block-search .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{margin:auto}.wp-block-search :where(.wp-block-search__button){align-items:center;border-radius:initial;display:flex;height:auto;justify-content:center;text-align:center}.wp-block-search__inspector-controls .components-base-control{margin-bottom:0}PK N�rZ��ǠT T view.min.asset.phpnu �[��� <?php return array('dependencies' => array(), 'version' => '765a40956d200c79d99e'); PK N�rZpBp�h h editor-rtl.cssnu �[��� .wp-block[data-align=center] .wp-block-search .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ margin:auto; } .wp-block-search :where(.wp-block-search__button){ align-items:center; border-radius:initial; display:flex; height:auto; justify-content:center; text-align:center; } .wp-block-search__inspector-controls .components-base-control{ margin-bottom:0; }PK N�rZ�\� � style.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search__button{ margin-left:10px; word-break:normal; } .wp-block-search__button.has-icon{ line-height:0; } .wp-block-search__button svg{ height:1.25em; min-height:24px; min-width:24px; width:1.25em; fill:currentColor; vertical-align:text-bottom; } :where(.wp-block-search__button){ border:1px solid #ccc; padding:6px 10px; } .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ display:flex; flex:auto; flex-wrap:nowrap; max-width:100%; } .wp-block-search__label{ width:100%; } .wp-block-search__input{ appearance:none; border:1px solid #949494; flex-grow:1; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; min-width:3rem; padding:8px; text-decoration:unset !important; } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button{ flex-shrink:0; margin-left:0; max-width:100%; } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button[aria-expanded=true]{ max-width:calc(100% - 100px); } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ min-width:0 !important; transition-property:width; } .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__input{ flex-basis:100%; transition-duration:.3s; } 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:where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input:focus{ outline:none; } :where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) :where(.wp-block-search__button){ padding:4px 8px; } .wp-block-search.aligncenter .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ margin:auto; } .wp-block[data-align=right] .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{ float:right; }PK N�rZ;�l� � block.jsonnu �[��� { "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json", "apiVersion": 3, "name": "core/search", "title": "Search", "category": "widgets", "description": "Help visitors find your content.", "keywords": [ "find" ], "textdomain": "default", "attributes": { "label": { "type": "string", "role": "content" }, "showLabel": { "type": "boolean", "default": true }, "placeholder": { "type": "string", "default": "", "role": "content" }, "width": { "type": "number" }, "widthUnit": { "type": "string" }, "buttonText": { "type": 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.wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden .wp-block-search__input{border-left-width:0!important;border-right-width:0!important;flex-basis:0;flex-grow:0;margin:0;min-width:0!important;padding-left:0!important;padding-right:0!important;width:0!important}:where(.wp-block-search__input){font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;letter-spacing:inherit;line-height:inherit;text-transform:inherit}:where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper){border:1px solid #949494;box-sizing:border-box;padding:4px}:where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input{border:none;border-radius:0;padding:0 4px}:where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) .wp-block-search__input:focus{outline:none}:where(.wp-block-search__button-inside .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper) :where(.wp-block-search__button){padding:4px 8px}.wp-block-search.aligncenter .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{margin:auto}.wp-block[data-align=right] .wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{float:left}PK N�rZ3��� � style.min.cssnu �[��� .wp-block-search__button{margin-left:10px;word-break:normal}.wp-block-search__button.has-icon{line-height:0}.wp-block-search__button svg{height:1.25em;min-height:24px;min-width:24px;width:1.25em;fill:currentColor;vertical-align:text-bottom}:where(.wp-block-search__button){border:1px solid #ccc;padding:6px 10px}.wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{display:flex;flex:auto;flex-wrap:nowrap;max-width:100%}.wp-block-search__label{width:100%}.wp-block-search__input{appearance:none;border:1px solid #949494;flex-grow:1;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;min-width:3rem;padding:8px;text-decoration:unset!important}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button{flex-shrink:0;margin-left:0;max-width:100%}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__button[aria-expanded=true]{max-width:calc(100% - 100px)}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{min-width:0!important;transition-property:width}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__input{flex-basis:100%;transition-duration:.3s}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden,.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only.wp-block-search__searchfield-hidden 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.wp-block-search.wp-block-search__button-only .wp-block-search__inside-wrapper{float:right}PK N�rZ,��� � view.jsnu �[��� import * as __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__wordpress_interactivity_8e89b257__ from "@wordpress/interactivity"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "@wordpress/interactivity" var x = (y) => { var x = {}; __webpack_require__.d(x, y); return x } var y = (x) => (() => (x)) const interactivity_namespaceObject = x({ ["getContext"]: () => (__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__wordpress_interactivity_8e89b257__.getContext), ["getElement"]: () => (__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__wordpress_interactivity_8e89b257__.getElement), ["store"]: () => (__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__wordpress_interactivity_8e89b257__.store) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/search/view.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { actions } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.store)('core/search', { state: { get ariaLabel() { const { isSearchInputVisible, ariaLabelCollapsed, ariaLabelExpanded } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); return isSearchInputVisible ? ariaLabelExpanded : ariaLabelCollapsed; }, get ariaControls() { const { isSearchInputVisible, inputId } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); return isSearchInputVisible ? null : inputId; }, get type() { const { isSearchInputVisible } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); return isSearchInputVisible ? 'submit' : 'button'; }, get tabindex() { const { isSearchInputVisible } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); return isSearchInputVisible ? '0' : '-1'; } }, actions: { openSearchInput(event) { const ctx = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); const { ref } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getElement)(); if (!ctx.isSearchInputVisible) { event.preventDefault(); ctx.isSearchInputVisible = true; ref.parentElement.querySelector('input').focus(); } }, closeSearchInput() { const ctx = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getContext)(); ctx.isSearchInputVisible = false; }, handleSearchKeydown(event) { const { ref } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getElement)(); // If Escape close the menu. if (event?.key === 'Escape') { actions.closeSearchInput(); ref.querySelector('button').focus(); } }, handleSearchFocusout(event) { const { ref } = (0,interactivity_namespaceObject.getElement)(); // If focus is outside search form, and in the document, close menu // event.target === The element losing focus // event.relatedTarget === The element receiving focus (if any) // When focusout is outside the document, // `window.document.activeElement` doesn't change. if (!ref.contains(event.relatedTarget) && event.target !== window.document.activeElement) { actions.closeSearchInput(); } } } }, { lock: true }); PK ȍrZ�?�� � % class-wp-rest-post-search-handler.phpnu �[��� <?php /** * REST API: WP_REST_Post_Search_Handler class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage REST_API * @since 5.0.0 */ /** * Core class representing a search handler for posts in the REST API. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @see WP_REST_Search_Handler */ class WP_REST_Post_Search_Handler extends WP_REST_Search_Handler { /** * Constructor. * * @since 5.0.0 */ public function __construct() { $this->type = 'post'; // Support all public post types except attachments. $this->subtypes = array_diff( array_values( get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, 'show_in_rest' => true, ), 'names' ) ), array( 'attachment' ) ); } /** * Searches posts for a given search request. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full REST request. * @return array { * Associative array containing found IDs and total count for the matching search results. * * @type int[] $ids Array containing the matching post IDs. * @type int $total Total count for the matching search results. * } */ public function search_items( WP_REST_Request $request ) { // Get the post types to search for the current request. $post_types = $request[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_SUBTYPE ]; if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::TYPE_ANY, $post_types, true ) ) { $post_types = $this->subtypes; } $query_args = array( 'post_type' => $post_types, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'paged' => (int) $request['page'], 'posts_per_page' => (int) $request['per_page'], 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, ); if ( ! empty( $request['search'] ) ) { $query_args['s'] = $request['search']; } if ( ! empty( $request['exclude'] ) ) { $query_args['post__not_in'] = $request['exclude']; } if ( ! empty( $request['include'] ) ) { $query_args['post__in'] = $request['include']; } /** * Filters the query arguments for a REST API post search request. * * Enables adding extra arguments or setting defaults for a post search request. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param array $query_args Key value array of query var to query value. * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request used. */ $query_args = apply_filters( 'rest_post_search_query', $query_args, $request ); $query = new WP_Query(); $posts = $query->query( $query_args ); // Querying the whole post object will warm the object cache, avoiding an extra query per result. $found_ids = wp_list_pluck( $posts, 'ID' ); $total = $query->found_posts; return array( self::RESULT_IDS => $found_ids, self::RESULT_TOTAL => $total, ); } /** * Prepares the search result for a given post ID. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param int $id Post ID. * @param array $fields Fields to include for the post. * @return array { * Associative array containing fields for the post based on the `$fields` parameter. * * @type int $id Optional. Post ID. * @type string $title Optional. Post title. * @type string $url Optional. Post permalink URL. * @type string $type Optional. Post type. * } */ public function prepare_item( $id, array $fields ) { $post = get_post( $id ); $data = array(); if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID ] = (int) $post->ID; } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE, $fields, true ) ) { if ( post_type_supports( $post->post_type, 'title' ) ) { add_filter( 'protected_title_format', array( $this, 'protected_title_format' ) ); add_filter( 'private_title_format', array( $this, 'protected_title_format' ) ); $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE ] = get_the_title( $post->ID ); remove_filter( 'protected_title_format', array( $this, 'protected_title_format' ) ); remove_filter( 'private_title_format', array( $this, 'protected_title_format' ) ); } else { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE ] = ''; } } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL ] = get_permalink( $post->ID ); } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE ] = $this->type; } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_SUBTYPE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_SUBTYPE ] = $post->post_type; } return $data; } /** * Prepares links for the search result of a given ID. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param int $id Item ID. * @return array Links for the given item. */ public function prepare_item_links( $id ) { $post = get_post( $id ); $links = array(); $item_route = rest_get_route_for_post( $post ); if ( ! empty( $item_route ) ) { $links['self'] = array( 'href' => rest_url( $item_route ), 'embeddable' => true, ); } $links['about'] = array( 'href' => rest_url( 'wp/v2/types/' . $post->post_type ), ); return $links; } /** * Overwrites the default protected and private title format. * * By default, WordPress will show password protected or private posts with a title of * "Protected: %s" or "Private: %s", as the REST API communicates the status of a post * in a machine-readable format, we remove the prefix. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @return string Title format. */ public function protected_title_format() { return '%s'; } /** * Attempts to detect the route to access a single item. * * @since 5.0.0 * @deprecated 5.5.0 Use rest_get_route_for_post() * @see rest_get_route_for_post() * * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @return string REST route relative to the REST base URI, or empty string if unknown. */ protected function detect_rest_item_route( $post ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '5.5.0', 'rest_get_route_for_post()' ); return rest_get_route_for_post( $post ); } } PK ȍrZ:�Z Z , class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.phpnu �[��� <?php /** * REST API: WP_REST_Post_Format_Search_Handler class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage REST_API * @since 5.6.0 */ /** * Core class representing a search handler for post formats in the REST API. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @see WP_REST_Search_Handler */ class WP_REST_Post_Format_Search_Handler extends WP_REST_Search_Handler { /** * Constructor. * * @since 5.6.0 */ public function __construct() { $this->type = 'post-format'; } /** * Searches the post formats for a given search request. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full REST request. * @return array { * Associative array containing found IDs and total count for the matching search results. * * @type string[] $ids Array containing slugs for the matching post formats. * @type int $total Total count for the matching search results. * } */ public function search_items( WP_REST_Request $request ) { $format_strings = get_post_format_strings(); $format_slugs = array_keys( $format_strings ); $query_args = array(); if ( ! empty( $request['search'] ) ) { $query_args['search'] = $request['search']; } /** * Filters the query arguments for a REST API post format search request. * * Enables adding extra arguments or setting defaults for a post format search request. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param array $query_args Key value array of query var to query value. * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request used. */ $query_args = apply_filters( 'rest_post_format_search_query', $query_args, $request ); $found_ids = array(); foreach ( $format_slugs as $format_slug ) { if ( ! empty( $query_args['search'] ) ) { $format_string = get_post_format_string( $format_slug ); $format_slug_match = stripos( $format_slug, $query_args['search'] ) !== false; $format_string_match = stripos( $format_string, $query_args['search'] ) !== false; if ( ! $format_slug_match && ! $format_string_match ) { continue; } } $format_link = get_post_format_link( $format_slug ); if ( $format_link ) { $found_ids[] = $format_slug; } } $page = (int) $request['page']; $per_page = (int) $request['per_page']; return array( self::RESULT_IDS => array_slice( $found_ids, ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page, $per_page ), self::RESULT_TOTAL => count( $found_ids ), ); } /** * Prepares the search result for a given post format. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param string $id Item ID, the post format slug. * @param array $fields Fields to include for the item. * @return array { * Associative array containing fields for the post format based on the `$fields` parameter. * * @type string $id Optional. Post format slug. * @type string $title Optional. Post format name. * @type string $url Optional. Post format permalink URL. * @type string $type Optional. String 'post-format'. *} */ public function prepare_item( $id, array $fields ) { $data = array(); if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID ] = $id; } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE ] = get_post_format_string( $id ); } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL ] = get_post_format_link( $id ); } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE ] = $this->type; } return $data; } /** * Prepares links for the search result. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param string $id Item ID, the post format slug. * @return array Links for the given item. */ public function prepare_item_links( $id ) { return array(); } } PK ȍrZeX�� % class-wp-rest-term-search-handler.phpnu �[��� <?php /** * REST API: WP_REST_Term_Search_Handler class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage REST_API * @since 5.6.0 */ /** * Core class representing a search handler for terms in the REST API. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @see WP_REST_Search_Handler */ class WP_REST_Term_Search_Handler extends WP_REST_Search_Handler { /** * Constructor. * * @since 5.6.0 */ public function __construct() { $this->type = 'term'; $this->subtypes = array_values( get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true, 'show_in_rest' => true, ), 'names' ) ); } /** * Searches terms for a given search request. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full REST request. * @return array { * Associative array containing found IDs and total count for the matching search results. * * @type int[] $ids Found term IDs. * @type string|int|WP_Error $total Numeric string containing the number of terms in that * taxonomy, 0 if there are no results, or WP_Error if * the requested taxonomy does not exist. * } */ public function search_items( WP_REST_Request $request ) { $taxonomies = $request[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_SUBTYPE ]; if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::TYPE_ANY, $taxonomies, true ) ) { $taxonomies = $this->subtypes; } $page = (int) $request['page']; $per_page = (int) $request['per_page']; $query_args = array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomies, 'hide_empty' => false, 'offset' => ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page, 'number' => $per_page, ); if ( ! empty( $request['search'] ) ) { $query_args['search'] = $request['search']; } if ( ! empty( $request['exclude'] ) ) { $query_args['exclude'] = $request['exclude']; } if ( ! empty( $request['include'] ) ) { $query_args['include'] = $request['include']; } /** * Filters the query arguments for a REST API term search request. * * Enables adding extra arguments or setting defaults for a term search request. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param array $query_args Key value array of query var to query value. * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request used. */ $query_args = apply_filters( 'rest_term_search_query', $query_args, $request ); $query = new WP_Term_Query(); $found_terms = $query->query( $query_args ); $found_ids = wp_list_pluck( $found_terms, 'term_id' ); unset( $query_args['offset'], $query_args['number'] ); $total = wp_count_terms( $query_args ); // wp_count_terms() can return a falsey value when the term has no children. if ( ! $total ) { $total = 0; } return array( self::RESULT_IDS => $found_ids, self::RESULT_TOTAL => $total, ); } /** * Prepares the search result for a given term ID. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param int $id Term ID. * @param array $fields Fields to include for the term. * @return array { * Associative array containing fields for the term based on the `$fields` parameter. * * @type int $id Optional. Term ID. * @type string $title Optional. Term name. * @type string $url Optional. Term permalink URL. * @type string $type Optional. Term taxonomy name. * } */ public function prepare_item( $id, array $fields ) { $term = get_term( $id ); $data = array(); if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_ID ] = (int) $id; } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TITLE ] = $term->name; } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_URL ] = get_term_link( $id ); } if ( in_array( WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE, $fields, true ) ) { $data[ WP_REST_Search_Controller::PROP_TYPE ] = $term->taxonomy; } return $data; } /** * Prepares links for the search result of a given ID. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param int $id Item ID. * @return array[] Array of link arrays for the given item. */ public function prepare_item_links( $id ) { $term = get_term( $id ); $links = array(); $item_route = rest_get_route_for_term( $term ); if ( $item_route ) { $links['self'] = array( 'href' => rest_url( $item_route ), 'embeddable' => true, ); } $links['about'] = array( 'href' => rest_url( sprintf( 'wp/v2/taxonomies/%s', $term->taxonomy ) ), ); return $links; } } PK ȍrZ��p�� � class-wp-rest-search-handler.phpnu �[��� <?php /** * REST API: WP_REST_Search_Handler class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage REST_API * @since 5.0.0 */ /** * Core base class representing a search handler for an object type in the REST API. * * @since 5.0.0 */ #[AllowDynamicProperties] abstract class WP_REST_Search_Handler { /** * Field containing the IDs in the search result. */ const RESULT_IDS = 'ids'; /** * Field containing the total count in the search result. */ const RESULT_TOTAL = 'total'; /** * Object type managed by this search handler. * * @since 5.0.0 * @var string */ protected $type = ''; /** * Object subtypes managed by this search handler. * * @since 5.0.0 * @var string[] */ protected $subtypes = array(); /** * Gets the object type managed by this search handler. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @return string Object type identifier. */ public function get_type() { return $this->type; } /** * Gets the object subtypes managed by this search handler. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @return string[] Array of object subtype identifiers. */ public function get_subtypes() { return $this->subtypes; } /** * Searches the object type content for a given search request. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full REST request. * @return array Associative array containing an `WP_REST_Search_Handler::RESULT_IDS` containing * an array of found IDs and `WP_REST_Search_Handler::RESULT_TOTAL` containing the * total count for the matching search results. */ abstract public function search_items( WP_REST_Request $request ); /** * Prepares the search result for a given ID. * * @since 5.0.0 * @since 5.6.0 The `$id` parameter can accept a string. * * @param int|string $id Item ID. * @param array $fields Fields to include for the item. * @return array Associative array containing all fields for the item. */ abstract public function prepare_item( $id, array $fields ); /** * Prepares links for the search result of a given ID. * * @since 5.0.0 * @since 5.6.0 The `$id` parameter can accept a string. * * @param int|string $id Item ID. * @return array Links for the given item. */ abstract public function prepare_item_links( $id ); } PK N�rZ��U� � style-rtl.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ��d� � view.min.jsnu �[��� PK N�rZpBp�h h * editor.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ��{e~ ~ � theme.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ��{e~ ~ � theme-rtl.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ e�� � F theme-rtl.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ e�� � theme.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ�I@T T � view.asset.phpnu �[��� PK N�rZ+�F F h editor.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ��ǠT T � view.min.asset.phpnu �[��� PK N�rZpBp�h h � editor-rtl.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ�\� � ( style.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ;�l� � �# block.jsonnu �[��� PK N�rZ+�F F , editor-rtl.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ�b� � �- style-rtl.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ3��� � p7 style.min.cssnu �[��� PK N�rZ,��� � BA view.jsnu �[��� PK ȍrZ�?�� � % Q class-wp-rest-post-search-handler.phpnu �[��� PK ȍrZ:�Z Z , i class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.phpnu �[��� PK ȍrZeX�� % �x class-wp-rest-term-search-handler.phpnu �[��� PK ȍrZ��p�� � %� class-wp-rest-search-handler.phpnu �[��� PK � l�
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