Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home2/nishantp/public_html/inquire/wp-content/plugins/form-to-chat/feedback-form.php
<?php /** * Displays the content of the dialog box when the user clicks on the "Deactivate" link on the plugin settings page */ function whatsform_add_feedback_form() { $contact_support_template = __('Need help? We are ready to answer your questions. <a href="https://chatbot.page/whatsform/" target="_blank">Contact Support</a>'); $reasons = array( array( 'id' => 'NOT_WORKING', 'text' => __('The plugin is not working'), 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_placeholder' => esc_attr__("Kindly share what didn't work so we can fix it in future updates."), ), array( 'id' => 'SUDDENLY_STOPPED_WORKING', 'text' => __('The plugin suddenly stopped working'), 'input_type' => '', 'input_placeholder' => '', 'internal_message' => $contact_support_template, ), array( 'id' => 'BROKE_MY_SITE', 'text' => __('The plugin broke my site'), 'input_type' => '', 'input_placeholder' => '', 'internal_message' => $contact_support_template, ), array( 'id' => 'COULDNT_MAKE_IT_WORK', 'text' => __("I couldn't understand how to get it work"), 'input_type' => '', 'input_placeholder' => '', 'internal_message' => $contact_support_template, ), array( 'id' => 'FOUND_A_BETTER_PLUGIN', 'text' => __('I found a better plugin'), 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_placeholder' => esc_attr__('Can you please name the plugin and why you liked that it more?'), ), array( 'id' => 'GREAT_BUT_NEED_SPECIFIC_FEATURE', 'text' => __('The plugin is great, but I need a specific feature'), 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_placeholder' => esc_attr__('Can you share more details on the missing feature?'), ), array( 'id' => 'TEMPORARY_DEACTIVATION', 'text' => __("It's a temporary deactivation, I'm just debugging an issue"), 'input_type' => '', 'input_placeholder' => '', ), array( 'id' => 'OTHER', 'text' => __('Other'), 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_placeholder' => '', ), ); $modal_html = '<div class="whatsform-modal whatsform-modal-deactivation-feedback"> <div class="whatsform-modal-dialog"> <div class="whatsform-modal-body"> <h2>Quick Feedback</h2> <div class="whatsform-modal-panel active"> <p>If you have a moment, please let us know why you are deactivating</p><ul>'; foreach ($reasons as $reason) { $list_item_classes = 'whatsform-modal-reason' . (!empty($reason['input_type']) ? ' has-input' : ''); if (!empty($reason['internal_message'])) { $list_item_classes .= ' has-internal-message'; $reason_internal_message = $reason['internal_message']; } else { $reason_internal_message = ''; } $modal_html .= '<li class="' . esc_attr($list_item_classes) . '" data-input-type="' . esc_attr($reason['input_type']) . '" data-input-placeholder="' . esc_attr($reason['input_placeholder']) . '"> <label> <span> <input type="radio" name="selected-reason" value="' . esc_attr($reason['id']) . '"/> </span> <span>' . esc_html($reason['text']) . '</span> </label> <div class="whatsform-modal-internal-message">' . $reason_internal_message . '</div> </li>'; } $modal_html .= '</ul> <label class="whatsform-modal-anonymous-label"> <input type="checkbox" checked/> Send website data and allow to contact me back </label> </div> </div> <div class="whatsform-modal-footer"> <a href="#" class="button button-primary whatsform-modal-button-deactivate"></a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div>'; $script = ''; global $whatsform_active_plugin; $basename = ''; $plugin_name = ''; foreach ($whatsform_active_plugin as $key => $val) { $plugin_name = sanitize_title($val['Name']); $basename = $key; } $script .= '(function($) { var modalHtml = ' . json_encode($modal_html) . ", \$modal = $( modalHtml ), \$deactivateLink = $( '#the-list .active[data-plugin=\"" . $basename . "\"] .deactivate a' ), \$anonymousFeedback = \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-anonymous-label' ), selectedReasonID = false; /* WP added data-plugin attr after 4.5 version/ In prev version was id attr */ if ( 0 == \$deactivateLink.length ) \$deactivateLink = $( '#the-list .active#" . $plugin_name . " .deactivate a' ); \$modal.appendTo( $( 'body' ) ); whatsformModalRegisterEventHandlers(); function whatsformModalRegisterEventHandlers() { \$deactivateLink.click( function( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); /* Display the dialog box.*/ whatsformModalReset(); \$modal.addClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'has-whatsform-modal' ); }); \$modal.on( 'input propertychange', '.whatsform-modal-reason-input input', function() { if ( ! whatsformModalIsReasonSelected( 'OTHER' ) ) { return; } var reason = $( this ).val().trim(); /* If reason is not empty, remove the error-message class of the message container to change the message color back to default. */ if ( reason.length > 0 ) { \$modal.find( '.message' ).removeClass( 'error-message' ); whatsformModalEnableDeactivateButton(); } }); \$modal.on( 'blur', '.whatsform-modal-reason-input input', function() { var \$userReason = $( this ); setTimeout( function() { if ( ! whatsformModalIsReasonSelected( 'OTHER' ) ) { return; } }, 150 ); }); \$modal.on( 'click', '.whatsform-modal-footer .button', function( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } var _parent = $( this ).parents( '.whatsform-modal:first' ), _this = $( this ); if ( _this.hasClass( 'allow-deactivate' ) ) { var \$radio = \$modal.find( 'input[type=\"radio\"]:checked' ); if ( 0 === \$radio.length ) { /* If no selected reason, just deactivate the plugin. */ window.location.href = \$deactivateLink.attr( 'href' ); return; } var \$selected_reason = \$radio.parents( 'li:first' ), \$input = \$selected_reason.find( 'textarea, input[type=\"text\"]' ), userReason = ( 0 !== \$input.length ) ? \$input.val().trim() : ''; var is_anonymous = ( \$anonymousFeedback.find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ) ) ? 0 : 1; $.ajax({ url : ajaxurl, method : 'POST', data : { 'action' : 'whatsform_submit_uninstall_reason_action', 'plugin' : '" . $basename . "', 'reason_id' : \$radio.val(), 'reason_info' : userReason, 'is_anonymous' : is_anonymous, 'whatsform_ajax_nonce' : '" . wp_create_nonce('whatsform_ajax_nonce') . "' }, beforeSend: function() { _parent.find( '.whatsform-modal-footer .button' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); _parent.find( '.whatsform-modal-footer .button-secondary' ).text( '" . __('Processing') . "' + '...' ); }, complete : function( message ) { /* Do not show the dialog box, deactivate the plugin. */ window.location.href = \$deactivateLink.attr( 'href' ); } }); } else if ( _this.hasClass( 'whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ) ) { /* Change the Deactivate button's text and show the reasons panel. */ _parent.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ).addClass( 'allow-deactivate' ); whatsformModalShowPanel(); } }); \$modal.on( 'click', 'input[type=\"radio\"]', function() { var \$selectedReasonOption = $( this ); /* If the selection has not changed, do not proceed. */ if ( selectedReasonID === \$selectedReasonOption.val() ) return; selectedReasonID = \$selectedReasonOption.val(); \$anonymousFeedback.show(); var _parent = $( this ).parents( 'li:first' ); \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-reason-input' ).remove(); \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-internal-message' ).hide(); \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ).text( '" . __('Submit and Deactivate') . "' ); whatsformModalEnableDeactivateButton(); if ( _parent.hasClass( 'has-internal-message' ) ) { _parent.find( '.whatsform-modal-internal-message' ).show(); } if (_parent.hasClass('has-input')) { var reasonInputHtml = '<div class=\"whatsform-modal-reason-input\"><span class=\"message\"></span>' + ( ( 'textfield' === _parent.data( 'input-type' ) ) ? '<input type=\"text\" />' : '<textarea rows=\"5\" maxlength=\"200\"></textarea>' ) + '</div>'; _parent.append( $( reasonInputHtml ) ); _parent.find( 'input, textarea' ).attr( 'placeholder', _parent.data( 'input-placeholder' ) ).focus(); if ( whatsformModalIsReasonSelected( 'OTHER' ) ) { \$modal.find( '.message' ).text( '" . __('Please tell us the reason so we can improve it.') . "' ).show(); } } }); /* If the user has clicked outside the window, cancel it. */ \$modal.on( 'click', function( evt ) { var \$target = $( evt.target ); /* If the user has clicked anywhere in the modal dialog, just return. */ if ( \$target.hasClass( 'whatsform-modal-body' ) || \$target.hasClass( 'whatsform-modal-footer' ) ) { return; } /* If the user has not clicked the close button and the clicked element is inside the modal dialog, just return. */ if ( ! \$target.hasClass( 'whatsform-modal-button-close' ) && ( \$target.parents( '.whatsform-modal-body' ).length > 0 || \$target.parents( '.whatsform-modal-footer' ).length > 0 ) ) { return; } /* Close the modal dialog */ \$modal.removeClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'has-whatsform-modal' ); return false; }); } function whatsformModalIsReasonSelected( reasonID ) { /* Get the selected radio input element.*/ return ( reasonID == \$modal.find('input[type=\"radio\"]:checked').val() ); } function whatsformModalReset() { selectedReasonID = false; whatsformModalEnableDeactivateButton(); /* Uncheck all radio buttons.*/ \$modal.find( 'input[type=\"radio\"]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); /* Remove all input fields ( textfield, textarea ).*/ \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-reason-input' ).remove(); \$modal.find( '.message' ).hide(); /* Hide, since by default there is no selected reason.*/ \$anonymousFeedback.hide(); var \$deactivateButton = \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ); \$deactivateButton.addClass( 'allow-deactivate' ); whatsformModalShowPanel(); } function whatsformModalEnableDeactivateButton() { \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } function whatsformModalDisableDeactivateButton() { \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } function whatsformModalShowPanel() { \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-panel' ).addClass( 'active' ); /* Update the deactivate button's text */ \$modal.find( '.whatsform-modal-button-deactivate' ).text( '" . __('Skip and Deactivate') . "' ); } })(jQuery);"; wp_register_script('whatsform-deactivation-form', '', array('jquery'), false, true); wp_enqueue_script('whatsform-deactivation-form'); wp_add_inline_script('whatsform-deactivation-form', sprintf($script)); }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.1.18 | Генерация страницы: 0 |